Super chibi knight safe combination
Super chibi knight safe combination


  • Blank White Eyes: Played for Drama when the Guardians are brutally attacked by Metallia and lose consciousness.
  • They will immediately come to her defense when she is stricken by an enemy.
  • Big Sister Instinct: They all look out for Usagi's well-being, even Rei.
  • Rei: You don't get it, do you?! If not for Usagi, we. It's summed up best by Rei in the R movie: Each of the Soldiers were alone or in pain in some way but Usagi gave them each love and affection and gave them the friendship they always wanted.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: While honor and duty would have made the Guardians loyal to her anyway this seems to be the major reason that the Sailor Soldiers are so willing to put their lives on the line for Usagi.
  • Brawn: Haruka/Sailor Uranus, a Lovable Jock who fights with a sword.
  • Brains: Setsuna/Sailor Pluto, a wise scholar who controls the Time Gate.
  • Beauty: Michiru/Sailor Neptune, the Elegant Classical Musician.
  • Brawn: Makoto/Sailor Jupiter, a tall girl with super strength.
  • Brains: Minako/Sailor Venus, The Strategist of the team.
  • Beauty: Chibi-Usa/Sailor Chibi Moon, basically a smaller, cuter version of her mom.
  • Brawn: Rei/Sailor Mars, a shrine maiden with fire powers and anger issues.
  • Brains: Ami/Sailor Mercury, a technological genius and straight-A student.
  • Beauty: Usagi/Sailor Moon, a typical teenage girl, cares about and loved by everyone.
  • Batman Can Breathe in Space: In the manga they can just jump into orbit, breathe in space, and survive re-entry with ease.
  • The Outer Soldiers become one when the three older ones adopt Hotaru/Saturn.
  • In Crystal Tokyo, they're still very powerful, though they don't really fight anymore as rulers.
  • Usagi/Moon, Mamoru/Tuxedo Mask and Chibi-Usa/Chibi Moon, although technically they're a badass future family, as the former two are Chibi-Usa's future parents.
  • Badass Crew: The inner and outer soldiers function as examples of these in their own right, though all ten of the Solar System Soldiers can be considered one when they actually manage to work together (e.g.
  • Particularly Usagi/Moon, Ami/Mercury, and Hotaru/Saturn.
  • Badass Adorable: Pretty Soldiers by name.
  • Back from the Dead: Even if you don't count Reincarnation, all of them are killed at least twice in both the manga and anime (the whole team at the end of the first and last arcs), but are revived.
  • Notably, Eternal Sailor Moon's design lacks it. The design of their leotards in the anime and manga being split into the same two segments has fans theorizeing there's one there too. In the live-action Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, the Guardians wear some armor - a sports-bra-style Breast Plate made of what looks like fiberglass or plastic. Further, while they are often smacked around, their clothing only shows it when they are fighting the Big Bad or somebody directly under them.


  • Armor Is Useless: The Sailor Guardians wear nothing but moderately skimpy clothing made of what appears to be cotton, yet appears to be perfectly capable of keeping the wearer - exposed skin and all - protected from everything from flying debris to flames to the vacuum of space.
  • Sailor Pluto's Talisman avoids this completely since due to time shennanigans she has always existed owning her own Talisman.
  • Sailor Neptune's and Uranus's Talismans may also count, although its a strange situation since, although they are certainly ancient, they belonged to their own selves before being reincarnated, which may dispute them being actually ancestral (can you be your own ancestor?).
  • The titular character inherits the Silver Crystal from the ancestral Moon Kingdom.
  • Ancestral Weapon: Most of their primary weapons are as much their birthright as the rest of their powers.
  • Sailor Moon Crystal even references it in the Theme Song: "We're not weak girls/Who need men's protection"
  • Amazon Brigade: The Sailor Guardians, the Magical Girl Warrior rulers of their respective celestial bodies, as well as many Evil Counterpart teams with parallel power sets that double as Dark Magical Girl Quirky Miniboss Squads for their respective arc Big Bad, whether the Black Moon family's Ayakashi Sisters, the Death Busters' Witches 5, the Dead Moon Circus' Amazoness Quartet, or Shadow Galactica's Sailor Animamates.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: All of the Inner Guardians were social outcasts until Usagi comes into their lives and draws them into her circle of friends.

    Fitting for a series about female empowerment.

  • Action Girl: Every single one of the Guardians kick lots of ass, whether it be monsters, minibosses, or the prime evils themselves.

  • Super chibi knight safe combination